TALK: Corona & Art – Breaking down what happened and breaking through to a new way?

In this talk, Philine Conrad, Anemona Crisan and Jan David Zimmermann discuss and question the role of the established art and culture scene in the last two and a half years of the pandemic:

Has art left its path, removed itself from people's lives and locked itself into an elitist tower, so that today it helps maintain the status quo of politics rather than addressing people's needs? Is this behavior even a symptom of a much more fundamental crisis  in art and culture that has been latent for a long time? How can art reach people and the reality of their lives?
In this conversation, an attempt will also be made to give an outlook as to what a departure from this phase might look like using art.

PHILINE CONRAD lives and works in Cologne, is an actress, speaker and author. After graduating from the drama school "Der Keller" (Cologne) in 2016, she has been writing plays, radio plays, screenplays and poems since 2017. In 2022 she received the NRW artist grant for her piece "Spiritual Captivity". In the last two years, she has become known to many as the initiator of the artists' network "Art is Life", which has been working since the beginning of the Corona measures to ensure "that culture can also take place in times of crisis, that no human being due to medical indications or non-indications is discriminated against or marginalized for purely political reasons.”

– visual artist, lives and works in Vienna, where she has also had her studio and showroom since 2009. Born to two artists in Bucharest, she grew up in Austria, where her family moved in 1991 after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Her works combine influences of modernist and constructivist formal language with a pronounced figurative-abstract approach to body and space.

lives and works in Vienna, is a writer, blogger and science philosopher. Most recently his novella “Den Schatten im Rücken” was published. Journalistic publications in the Berliner Zeitung, Cicero and regular articles on his blog “Megamaschine”:
> Open letter to the organizers of the Bachmann Prize

> Letter to Anna Baar

The talk "Corona & Art" with Philine Conrad, Anemona Crisan and Jan David Zimmermann was recorded live on June 28th, 2022 at ANEMONA CRISAN – ATELIER & SHOWROOM Vienna. Watch on youtube or below.

Recording of the reading from June 28th, 2022.

ANEMONA CRISAN – STUDIO & Showroom Vienna proudly presents:


PHILINE CONRAD reads two of her lyrical works (Festung, Das Leben beschreiben) as well as from her piece "Geistige Gefangenschaft" (Mental Captivity), which she wrote together with Dieter Brandecker in 2021. The piece is a psychologically intensive, critical snapshot, a kind of eyewitness report of the last two years of the pandemic, which describes the recent developments and events in Germany (and Austria).

PIANIST LIDIA DOMANSKA will create her compositions live on the historic Heitzmann grand piano from 1885 in dialogue with the reading as a musical portrait of the moment - from the inspiration of the events, the atmosphere, the people, the space.

In dialogue and as a framework for reading and talk, Anemona Crisan shows the exhibition GOLDEN (C)AGE - Golden Cage or Golden Age? Early and current works can be seen, which range from painting to drawing and print and thematically address the current situation, the turning point in time, in which we find ourselves. The title of this exhibition should also be understood in this sense: GOLDEN (C)AGE – Golden Cage or Golden Age? We have a choice: we can lock ourselves in a golden cage or we can free ourselves, connect the contradictions within ourselves and create the proverbial Golden Age.

The sculptures on display are from the artist's father: in the video:
Icarus and Portrait.

recording of the reading.

A reading from Jan D. Zimmermann's recently published novella "Den Schatten im Rücken", accompanied by an exhibition of my "Glut-Werke", in which I condense human suffering, characteristics and emotions into glowing, semi-abstract human figures.

These works approach Zimmermann's visually stunning novella in their own unique way.

The reading is the result of an interdisciplinary dialogue between me and Jan D. Zimmermann - between literature and fine arts - a mutual recognition of our own positions in the work of the other.

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