



What my artistic crisis taught me about our current challenges

In this video, I review all of the ideas that I’ve presented in the two prior video series on "Light and Shadow" and "Light and Transformation" based on my works. Beginning with my personal creative crisis, which prompted these works in the first place, I describe how I dealt with this crisis situation as an artist, why it was a necessary process for me to grow as an artist and as a human being, why I believe we as humanity and planet are historically at a similar point of development, and what we can learn here from art and creativity to survive and shape this dark transitional space, this bridge from an old world to a new world. I hope this video, as well as the previous two video series, inspire you to bravely and confidently cross this bridge into the unknown, because one thing is certain: we must do it. We might view this bridge as a journey of violent suffering and victimization, or as a path of self-knowledge and remembrance of our genuine selves. In the latter case, we transform ourselves from the Created to the Creator, meaning we are no longer the result of external manipulation and programming but conscious and free creators of our own self.
Don’t miss any future videos and keep up to date by subscribing to my channels on one – or all – of these video platforms: 

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Alchemical Artworks for inner Transformation

In this video series I continue with the exploration of the dynamics between light and darkness, by focusing on our own inner light, as fire or life force. Throughout this series I will present you a selection of my art works that you can use as "metaphysical tools" to perceive, explore and expand your own inner fire, which is the source of both, your creative and destructive power, a transformative energy that you can use to create and to destroy yourself or the world around you. This is why it is so important to become conscious of your inner fire and use it wisely.

It is through the art works that I’m presenting in these videos, that I myself embarked on the journey of exploration of my inner fire and its transformative power of creation and destruction. And in this series I will share with you an inspiring selection of art works that address this topic.
(This video series is both in english and german.)

Don’t miss any future videos and keep up to date by subscribing to my channels on one – or all – of these video platforms: 

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>> Rumble

Light Shadow

Art that transcends Duality

Welcome to this new video series on LIGHT & SHADOW! In this series I will present you a selection of my art works that you can use as "metaphysical tools" to open up, explore, expand and transcend the concept of duality of light and dark, in order to inspire and empower your life and to know thyself. On the northern hemisphere we are at the dark and cold time of the year , darkness is omnipresent, both in nature and in our society, and it invites us to face it, to go inwards, explore it and understand its power both for the good and for the bad, as there is no darkness without light! It is through my art works, that I myself embarked on the journey of transcendece, and explored the dance and fight, the creative and destructive power of light and darkness. And in this series I will share with you an inspiring selection of these art works that adress this challanging topic of duality and the dynamics of light and shadow and how YOU can transcend them, in order to tap into your creative power, that is precisely the dance of your inner light and darkness. Follow my channel to not miss any future videos and share this series with anyone who needs an inspiration! Enjoy your darkness and your light!
(This video series is both in english and german.)

Don’t miss any future videos and keep up to date by subscribing to my channels on one – or all – of these video platforms: 

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>> Rumble


In each video of this series I will introduce you to one of my art works. I dive deep into the questions the specific work rises, which I find both challenging and inspiring for our current times, predicament and the shift in our human and planetary evolution. I invite you to go with me on a journey of self discovery, self empowerment and -realization inspired through my art works!
Step into your creative power to consciously create the world you want!
(This video series is both in english and german.)

Don’t miss any future videos and keep up to date by subscribing to my channels on one – or all – of these video platforms: 

>> Youtube

>> Rumble

IN CONVERSATION: Marlene Elvira Steinz and Anemona Crisan

IIn this conversation with art historian and curator Marlene Elvira Steinz about my artistic approach and the virtual exhibition "FEARS & HOPES" we dive deep into the big questions that I address and explore in my work and that arise at this crucial moment in our human development from are of great relevance. We discuss how self-empowerment and individual freedom can be achieved, we examine new concepts and definitions of individuality and how I explore these ideas in my artistic work. And we also include beliefs about ancient teachings and various fields of science that inspire my work.

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